About me

Welcome! I'm an academic philosopher by (ongoing) training. I work primarily on political philosophy and normative ethics (including bioethics). 

I'm concurrently a Ph.D. student in philosophy at McGill University under the supervision of Iwao Hirose and Kristin Voigt, and an M.S. candidate in bioethics at Harvard Medical School under the supervision of Jonathan Marron. The Government of Canada generously funds my research at McGill through a Social Science & Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Canada Graduate Scholarship (CGS). 

I received my B.A. with honours in philosophy from the University of Toronto in 2023 under the supervision of Thomas Hurka, where I was a Fellow at the university's Centre for Ethics from 2022 to 2023.

You can contact me at radheesh.ameresekere@mail.mcgill.ca.

My favourite philosophers (in no real order) are Kant, Rawls, Aristotle, Zhuangzi, and Nussbaum.