I am a Ph.D. student in philosophy at McGill, under the supervision of Iwao Hirose and Kristin Voigt. I'm also a S.M. candidate in bioethics at Harvard Medical School

My main research interests are in moral, legal, and (especially) political philosophy. My work focuses primarily on related questions about distributive justice, equality, fairness, liberalism, and rights. You can find out more about these interests on my Research page.

I did my B.A. in philosophy at the University of Toronto, where I was supervised by Thomas Hurka and Arthur Ripstein. 

My email is radheesh.ameresekere@mail.mcgill.ca. I am also on PhilPeople.

My favourite philosophers (in no particular order) are Kant, Rawls, Kierkegaard, Zhuangzi, and Korsgaard.